Ain't No Time For Women
Y'a pas d'heure pour les femmes
2020 | 19 minutes | Canada
Director: Sarra El Abed
Language: French
Subtitles: English
Tunis, novembre 2019. Des femmes sont rassemblées chez Saïda la coiffeuse, à l’aube des élections présidentielles. Le salon est transformé en place publique, miroir de l’agitation interne du pays. Dans ce huis clos féminin, on découvre l’adolescence démocratique du pays
Tunis, November 2019. A group of women is gathered at Saïda’s, the hairdresser, on the eve of the presidential election. The salon is transformed into a town square, mirroring the internal turmoil of the country. In this female sanctuary, we get an intimate look at the county’s teenage democracy.
About the pairing:
A contextual contrast, and very different situation, to the Iran shown in There Is No Evil, Ain’t No Time for Women follows the conversations of a group of Tunisian women learning to exercise the rights and shoulder the burdens of a brand new democracy.
- Keltie Duncan